Wednesday, March 24, 2010

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead

I HAVE to have a budget and stick to it. If I don't I tend to go out of control buying silly things and forget about bills due; I also lose track of what I really want and end up buying things I randomly like. Lets just say that recently I've had a little extra income and I can't even backup enough to figure out where I should be on my budget this month. I gave up in March because of the extra income I blew; I did not keep track of it at all. THEN my car went down for the count. Well Kick Ass. I have NO savings. I am a recent-ish college graduate working on paying off student loans, credit cards, and a wedding...not to mention random bills. No Savings.
The past couple weeks I've been on the search for a car. I had no clue what type of car, all I knew is I could afford $300 a month in payments max. I've liked Beetles since I was a kid, but the word on the street was that I didn't want to buy that. Not good cars for what I need. Fun, but not for me. I drove through the used dealerships just writing down cars I liked, and after some eliminations I decided a Nissan Altima was perfect. The word on the street was that they don't die and any repairs would be on the cheaper side. In the end I drove away in a 2005 Nissan Altima for $6800. I, of course, had to have it financed so now I'm more in debt for the next couple years. They wanted $10000 for the car so I feel pretty good with it. It's a really nice car.
I watched the junk yard take my Pontiac Sunfire away today. It was almost tragic. It was like abandoning an old friend. Then I drove to the junk yard to pick up the money for it and I seen it sitting among heaps of scrap metal...all I could think was "you don't belong here my friend." I actually was a little heartbroken with that image. It sounds so crazy, but I didn't want to leave it there among junk! It was on it's last legs, and I know that, but it was the nicest car I've had until this new Altima. The poor sunfire. Had a huge dent in the front, one speaker worked, engine was going to blow, very dirty, chairs didn't move well, window hand roller was broken, air conditioning didn't work, back window heater things didn't work....but it was the nicest car I've had. Goodbye sweet friend.

So I had to redo my budget quite a bit. I have to pawn of the cable bill to the fiance, because I can't afford it now. Saying goodbye to the gym membership. Paying off my target card this month and viola! New budget that doesn't sacrifice my wedding fund or 100 extra dollars for myself. This is what it looks like:

Friday, March 19, 2010

Awesome video friday!

I decided to entertain myself and implement awesome video Friday on the ol blog. Whether it's a good song, neat video, great dancing, whatever I like during the past week I'll post. We're starting with:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Regiment

These are the awesome products I use in my "beauty regiment." I didn't get into the whole makeup thing until college and I'm still trying to figure out some details, but I've made some pretty great strides!

1) Burts Bees Natural Acne Solutions: Purifying Gen Cleanser, Daily Moisturizing Lotion, & Spot Treatment

I love this stuff! It works so well for me, and unlike the chemically laden popular brands it doesn't dry my face out. I use it in the morning and at night and it cleared my face up in a snap, for the most part it's continued to keep my face clear. Not super dry, not shiny, a good balance in the middle. They can be sorta pricey in comparison, but really worth it if you're afraid of all that stuff in the standard brands.

2) Bare Minerals Original Foundation & Mineral Veil in Medium

This I just started using and it is a huge step forward from the drug store makeup I used to use. It doesn't feel heavy or like I'm wearing makeup. I use medium right now, but I think in summer I'll be a medium beige, I try not to tan but running outside makes that difficult. It doesn't look like much in my crappy bathroom lights, but awesome in natural light. I love they have so many shades, it matches perfectly!

3) Dior Addict Ultra LipGloss in Lurex Plum

LOVE! Love love love! I usually don't do dark colors, but the plum actually looks amazing. It's not sticky, super shiny (but not overwhelming), and lasts a long time. It doesn't get stuck in lip lines, it has a great brush applicator. It's really pricey, but well worth it. I wouldn't stock up on the product, again because of it's price. Having the one makes me feel awesome on special occasions or when I'm having a crappy day.

4) Covergirl Wetslicks in Crush

I use covergirl regularly. It's affordable and generally nice products. I use their eye liner and eye shadows as well. It's pretty cheap so consistant use is realistic. The products also travel well and for me that's a big deal. I am not a fan of their foundation because they always seem heavy to me, but for the little details covergirl is great.

5) Miss Dior Cherie

again LOVE! love love love! I adore the smell of this perfume and I only got it because I sold my old laptop and had a bit of extra money. It smells sweet but sultry. The fiance adores it as much as I do. I feel like it's a very young, but not tooooo young sort of perfume. Way cute bottle. I can't get enough of it, and it lasts all day and beyond! I pick up my shirt the next day and I can still smell it! mmmmm LOVE

So those are my general beauty regiment stuff. Maybe I'll do body and shower stuff on another day, but these are definitely my favorites out of the ridiculous amount of products out there. Give them a shot and tell me what you think.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Interesting coworkers - The One Uper

I think I might do a couple posts about workplace personalities. My experience with them and frustrations resulting from these people. So to get this party started I am starting with....The One Uper!

We all know a one uper, and very often we have to work a project with said one uper. The one uper is the type of person who has to go above and beyond the call of duty just to look better than everyone else. For example: your boss tells you to write a one paragraph synopses of what your group is working on because he/she has to present said information to his/her bosses. So! Naturally, you write a simple one paragraph quicky to summarize what EXACTLY you are working on NOW and submit it forwarding it to all those involved as well as the boss...just so everyone's on the same page. Then, a couple hours later the one uper sends a whole paged outline of every single thing you're working on and beyond....past, sorta current, and future.
The one uper may be in a group with you. You come up with the entire direction and details for a conference call and are ready to talk about it together. Then when the conference call comes to play you can't get a word in because the one uper says everything, despite all the ideas coming from your head.

I personally chose to turn the other way when dealing with a one uper. I am not the type of person who feels that I have to top people or put people in their "place." In my opinion there's no saving a one uper. You KNOW they don't do as much as they should normally so when it comes to turning something in they are all over it and then some. You did exactly what the boss said, giving a simple paragraph he/she could read to the superiors...short, blunt, honest, and sweet as to not take up a ridiculous amount of time at the meeting. I figure the work speaks for's pretty easy to spot a one uper, and I feel bosses are generally aware when this happens. Granted it is extraordinarily frustrating and you want to scream WHY DID YOU DO THAT!? There's really no gracious way to deal with a one uper besides letting your work speak for itself. My opinion, look the other way and watch them self destruct on their own.

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